Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay about The Wolf Experiment (A Maximum Ride Fanfic)

The Wolf Experiment (A Maximum Ride Fanfic) Chapter One: Escaping the Mutts I leaned heavily on a tree, panting deeply with all my senses on full alert. If they caught me again, who knows what theyd do to me this time? After all this was my fourth escape, the last time they had starved me for a week and then made me run for several hours on a treadmill, shocking me if I slowed down though this was the farthest I have gotten yet. This was the forest nearest to the School which lied at the top of this mountain and I was only halfway through it with Erasers right behind me. Genetically I was stronger than the Erasers, my cousins, but after a week of no food and constant experiments I was tired and barely able to keep ahead of them, so†¦show more content†¦Cousins?, the wolf growled inside me. Theyd be lucky to be even considered dogs! Go away! Im not going back this time! I yelled angrily swiping at one that wandered too near hitting him on the back of his head, growling he ducked back showing his canines. You know youre coming back, just like every other time, laughed a Eraser to my side darting forward to nudge me harshly in the side. I fell to the ground biting my cheeks in rage. I knew they were taunting me and I also knew my Alpha Rage was causing the red spots in my vision but that didnt stop me from snapping my jaws threateningly back at him as another came and swiped at my side drawing blood. Seeing my own blood only made me angrier and I growled warningly at all of them showing my own sharp canines. One laughed, Look at the little puppy! he teased daring to come forward and grab my cheek in mock affection. Usually they would have already caught the escaped experiment and bring them back, but they like to tease me before bringing me back. I bit him hard on the hand drawing sour tasting blood. Ow! The little mutt bit me! he cried pulling his hand to his chest, his face scrunched up in pain while I spat his blood out of my mouth. Thats what you get, Kive! Yelled one of his Eraser buddies laughing at his friends pain. Kive growled at him, Lets just get her and get back to base! I dodged as they all lunged at me, edged on by Kives order, and ran deeper into the woods. After her! Kives

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Shortening Leash By Jessica And Hanna - 1285 Words

For the past few decades, the development of technology and the expansion of the knowledge has enriched our life, especially for our childhood life. However, relatively speaking, kids now are getting less freedom than the past due to the world has more potential dangerous such as the increased rate of abduction. Dealing a complicated problem with a very simple violent way may result in a worse impact in the near future. Because of parents excessively protect their own children and outside world is too horrible to play alone, more and more kids lost the opportunity of touching the nature, instead they indulge in the virtual world created by electronic products. In the story â€Å"The Shortening Leash†, Jessica and Hanna give us a relatively accurate and unbiased information about the situation that kids now lost freedom a lot according to the board surveys and three statistic graphs. While they mentioned that we are not supposed to latch our kids due to over-protection. Otherwi se, let children pursue free exploration is not equal to stop your ear to them. In the article â€Å"The Shortening Leash†, which publishes in, Jessica Grose and Hanna Rosin describe the children today have much less freedom in the childhood than their parents and the possible reason why this happens. According to board surveys for asking about what parents did in their childhood and what they allow their own kids to do now indicate that childhood criterions have changed violently over a generation.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ar Rahman Awards Free Essays

Rahman was the 1995 recipient of the Mauritius National Award and the Malaysian Award for contributions to music. [90] He was nominated for a Laurence Olivier Award for his first West-End production. A four-time National Film Award winner and recipient of six Tamil Nadu State Film Awards, fifteen Filmfare Awards and thirteen Filmfare Awards South for his music and scores. We will write a custom essay sample on Ar Rahman Awards or any similar topic only for you Order Now [1] He has been conferred Kalaimamani from the Government of Tamil Nadu for excellence in the field of music, special music achievement awards from the Government of Uttar Pradesh and Government of Madhya Pradesh and thePadma Shri from the Government of India. 91] In 2006, he received an honorary award from Stanford University for contributions to global music. [92] In 2007, Rahman was entered into the Limca Book of Records as â€Å"Indian of the Year for Contribution to Popular Music†. [93] He is the 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient from the Rotary Club of Madras. [94] In 2009, for his score of Slumdog Millionaire, Rahman won the Broadcast Film Critics Association Award, the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score,[95] the BAFTA Award for Best Film Music, and two Academy Awards for Best Original Music Score and Best Original Song at the 81st Academy Awards. Rahman has received honorary doctorates from Middlesex University and Aligarh Muslim University. [96][97] Later the year Rahman was conferred the honorary doctorate from Anna University in Chennai. [98] He has also won two Grammy Awards, for Best Compilation Soundtrack Album and Best Song Written for a Visual Media. [99] Rahman was awarded the Padma Bhushan, India’s third highest civilian honor, in 2010. 100] Rahman’s work for the film 127 Hours garnered him Golden Globe, BAFTA, and two Academy Award nominations for Best Original Music Score and Best Original Song in 2011. [101][102][103] He is an Honorary Fellow of the Trinity College of Music, presented to him by Trinity College London. [104] On 7 May 2012, he was conferred Honorary Doctorate from the Miami University, Ohio. During the acceptance speech, he mentioned that he received a Christmas card from the US President’s family and an invitation for the dinner at White House. [105] How to cite Ar Rahman Awards, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Deception Point free essay sample

In my career as a reader, if I have to choose the best book I have ever read then I will definitely go for ‘Deception Point’(Written by Dan Brown) because of its complexity of the plot and interesting combination of many themes, which contain politics, science, drama and reality. I started reading short stories and graphic books at young age, which were mainly comic books, sci-fi, and science fictions and in later years I started taking interest in more complex and skilled literatures. I have came across many interesting titles, which include ‘Dune’ (Frank Herbert), ‘Gangster’ (Lorenzo Carcaterra), ‘Throwaway daughter’ (Ting-xing Ye) etc. Deception Point is considered as one of the best work of Dan Brown, and it grabbed me by my throat from the first chapter. It was fast-paced, pulse quickening, thundering and tantalizing experience for me. Firstly, I have been attracted to the novels based on science fiction from the beginning of my reading career. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Deception Point proved to be much more than a science fiction. Author makes resemblance between reality and fiction, and it makes the fiction believable. The plot of the novel plays around the new discovery made by NASA on the Arctic glaciers, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life. The information on this discovery was revised by a special squad made of professional and experienced people, which contained the protagonist, Rachel Sexton, who is the daughter of the president’s opponent in election. They found out that there was no truth behind this discovery and information gathered by NASA was faulty. It was a plan, made to help build NASA’s broken reputation. This faulty discovery was defended by the major politics and well armed Delta Force. The fear of revealing the truth to the people led Delta Force to eliminate members of special squad, and the conflict reveals many unknown mysteries and political relationships. The novel has enough twists, surprises and information to make me keep turning pages and it is also well plotted and characters are uniquely emphasized. Another Dan Brown’s innovation in the novel was to focus on the characters equally as the plot. The thrilling plot makes this novel unforgettable but emphasizing the characters allowed me to get emotionally involved with them and their thoughts, thus, pulled me deeper into the story. Based on the theme of science, novel did contain scientific terms and theories and author successfully provided explanations of each term, which made this novel informative. As a secondary storyline of the novel, author uncovers many different and mostly dirty views of politics. It shows how low people can go to maintain their public reputation. The desire of power, to create supremacy leads human to surpass any limits to destroy others. Deception Point is a novel which has every taste for everyone. It is a great mixture of fiction, politics, thrills and complex information. After finishing the novel first thought sparked in my mind was an imagination of the movie based on this masterpiece. From my point of view, the great storyline and believable fiction makes a good plot for the translation of the novel into the movie. The rise and fall of the action and smoothness of the plot allowed me to see the story as a movie as I read the novel. All of the characters and other elements were given life by Dan Brown’s unique creation of the thrills. If there will be any experience of the movie based on the Deception Point then I believe it will get success to flow me like novel did, when I read it. In conclusion, Deception Point is a unique novel, which is based on the science fiction and politics but things make it best for me are the plot, storyline and characters, which makes the flow of the novel more catchable and smooth. It is a successful combination of suspense, science fiction and politics and the general topic makes it more believable yet far from the human reach in real world. The plot is amazingly settled by the author to create puzzles around the reader and to make him turn pages to read more. It is one of the better thrillers which can be presented on the screens, and from what I believe will be a great success. For these reasons, in my career as a reader I have a unique spot for the fast-paced, breath taking novel, ‘Deception Point’.